Corrective Exercise Assessments & Reducing Workplace Injuries

August 24, 2023

Corrective Exercise is used to help assess and determine the root cause of potential imbalances and faulty movement patterns that can lead to issues with your posture, risk of injury, balance, and total body coordination.

Corrective Exercise Assessments are part of our approach to help organizations reduce workplace injuries. Our multidisciplinary team of health care professionals includes a Registered Kinesiologist and Functional Movement Specialists who have created a comprehensive program aimed at improving employees’ mobility. Through various assessments, our team is able to evaluate an individuals’ movement patterns, posture, and muscle imbalances to identify any dysfunctions or limitation, which if left unaddressed, could lead to pain and injury. Our assessments are then used to develop tailored Corrective Exercise programs to address these issues, ultimately improving overall movement quality and reducing the risk of injuries in the workplace.

Did you know that chronic pain is a leading cause of employees taking time off work? Employees with chronic conditions are shown to take more days off and are more likely to arrive at work late or leave early. In addition to chronic pain impacting an organization’s productivity, there are thousands more workplace injuries happening every year in this country. In 2021, the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada reported around 275,000 workplace injury claims per year in Canada, predominantly occurring in the trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations.

Corrective Exercises can reduce workplace injuries by addressing musculoskeletal imbalances and weaknesses in employees, improving their overall physical condition, and promoting better body mechanics.

Corrective Exercises can benefit employees in the following ways.

Identifies Imbalances: Corrective Exercises start with an assessment of an individual's posture, movement patterns, and muscle imbalances. This assessment helps identify areas of weakness or dysfunction that may contribute to workplace injuries.

Strengthens Weak Muscles: Corrective Exercises often involve targeted strength training for muscles that are underdeveloped or imbalanced. This helps improve overall body strength and stability, reducing the risk of injuries caused by overcompensating of other muscles.

Improves Flexibility: Many workplace injuries result from poor flexibility or restricted range of motion. Corrective Exercises often include stretching routines that can enhance flexibility, making it easier for employees to move safely and comfortably.

Enhances Body Awareness: Corrective Exercises can help individuals become more aware of their body's positioning and movement patterns. This increased body awareness can lead to better posture and safer movement in the workplace.

Promotes Proper Body Mechanics: Through targeted exercises and coaching, employees can learn and reinforce proper body mechanics when lifting, reaching, or performing other job-related tasks. This reduces the strain on vulnerable body parts.

Reduces Pain and Discomfort: Corrective Exercises can alleviate existing pain and discomfort by addressing the root causes of these issues, allowing employees to work more comfortably and productively.

Prevents Overuse Injuries: Many workplace injuries are the result of repetitive motions or overuse of specific muscle groups. Corrective Exercises can help balance the load on these muscles and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

Enhances Posture: Poor posture is a common contributor to workplace injuries. Corrective Exercises can help employees maintain better posture, which can reduce the strain on the spine and other body parts.

Customizable: Corrective Exercise programs are tailored to individual needs, taking into account the specific demands of an employee's job. This customization ensures that the exercises address the most relevant risk factors.

Regular Maintenance: Corrective Exercises are not a one-time solution. They require ongoing commitment and practice. Implementing a culture of regular exercise and mobility can significantly reduce the risk of workplace injuries over the long term.

By addressing these aspects, Corrective Exercises help employees build a foundation of strength, flexibility, and proper movement patterns that reduce the likelihood of workplace injuries, leading to a safer and more productive work environment.

Want to learn how Corrective Exercises can help your workplace? Email

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